life is a surreal dream |
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Last modified: 7/27/02, 3:09 PM Status
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Meru is sleepy....i'm sleepy....
i don't think i'll ever do this again. or if...
by sio (7/28/02, 12:00 PM)
*waves fist threateningly over puter
for freezing, then goes back to the final stages...
by sio (7/28/02, 11:03 AM)
&holy HELL....that token thing got
me 16 grand in neopoints! i'm rich! woooooo!!! geez,...
by sio (7/28/02, 10:03 AM)
woo, an alien aisha just
wandered by and gave me this....thingy. looks like a...
by sio (7/28/02, 9:28 AM)
sorting through old IM logs.
when that is done, i can check "organizing the...
by sio (7/28/02, 7:01 AM)
oh my yawning is
catching up to me. grrrr!! noooooo--i still have *tries...
by sio (7/28/02, 6:30 AM)
still writing....never ends
to wrap Gabi's gift--that party is morrow. (edit - that...
by sio (7/28/02, 5:56 AM)